New Year's Eve is much more low-key in Argentina. Many of the bars and restaurants were closed. Most people either leave Buenos Aires for the beach, or stay at home with family through 12:00. Then, the young partiers may come out and have a drink from 1-3:00am.
Tony & I found an expat bar run by an American that was open. We met Kate the Australian (a.k.a "Fagtits" to her friends back home) there. We proceeded to bombard her with lines from Flight of the Conchords (because New Zealand is in the vicinity, I guess). She could keep up, though. Fagtits was nice enough to give T & I each a smooch at midnight, so we didn't have to kiss each other. Kate was "beautiful, like a tree or a high-class prostitute." (F.O.T.Conchords joke)
I also talked to Thoma from Spain. He was studying economics here, and loved everything about America. He often tells Argentine women that he is American, because it helps his chances. I thought America's militarism around the world might have dented our goodwill with Europeans and South Americans, he disagreed. This led to a good discussion about politics, foreign policy, and economics. He wanted to be called, "Tommy."
We also met Sudi, an Indian (?) guy from Colorado who is traveling the world for a year.
All-in-all a great night. I love meeting fellow world-travelers. They all have great stories and love to drink!
Happy New Year, friends and family back home! Keep shoveling!
I am number 2 prostitute in all of Australia! It was nice to ditch the Spanglish for a night out with you, boys.